the Roadmap

The adventure of Aqualantica begins with the vision to create a floating continent where a harmonious fusion of human, nature, and technology prevails. This ambitious project unfolds in seven fascinating phases, each with its own unique contribution to building a sustainable future.

Phase 1: The Beginning of Unity

Aqualantica is making a global call to consolidate knowledge, networks, and experience. This collaboration within the community is aimed at “pre-thinking” all phases of Aqualantica as a preparation for their realization. Everyone in the community can propose ideas, which others can respond to and contribute towards. Problems and challenges are approached from various areas of expertise. This ensures that the ideas for realization are strengthened. Read more about Phase 1 >

Phase 2: Floating Nature

The development of floating Nature Islands with nature only, without human or animal habitation. These Nature Islands are unique ecosystems that support and enhance biodiversity. They are strategically designed to enrich marine life and create a balanced natural habitat on the islands. This is a crucial step in forming a sustainable continent, taking careful account of the impact on all life forms. Read more about Phase 2 >

Phase 3: Mother Earth Island

Mother Earth Island (MEI) serves as the physical starting point for Aqualantica. An existing island acts as an anchor for the future floating satellite islands. Additionally, it serves as a source of inspiration to reconnect with nature, animals, and each other. The aim is to create a place that not only respects nature but also inspires people to live sustainably. Read more about Phase 3 >

Phase 4: First Residents

Following the creation of MEI and the development of several larger-scale Nature Islands, Aqualantica shifts its focus towards realizing a 100% self-sufficient human lifestyle. This challenge is dubbed the ‘Eco Quest’. Innovators, scientists, and thinkers will collaborate to develop technologies that enable a life fully in harmony with nature. The focus will be on sustainable solutions for water, energy, food, and housing. Once the ‘Eco Quest’ is completed, the first residents (the Green Guardians) will be welcomed to the Nature Islands. Their lives will serve as a pilot project to test and refine the developed sustainable practices. Read more about Phase 4 >

Phase 5: First Community

The next step is to establish a living community on so-called Residential Islands created among the Nature Islands. This community will consist of members from various groups within Aqualantica who live according to the principles of sustainability and self-sufficiency. They will collaborate on food production, construction of new structures, and contribute to Aqualantica’s broader ecological system. Their successful coexistence will serve as a model for sustainable living worldwide. Read more about Phase 5 >

Phase 6: Mindset Dissemination

People worldwide are invited to apply for a temporary residential spot on Aqualantica with the goal of spreading its mindset globally. Participants will return to their places of origin after two years, taking with them the knowledge and experiences gained. In this way, the mindset and lifestyle of Aqualantica steadily permeates throughout the world. This phase is crucial for disseminating the Aqualantica way of life and encouraging a global shift towards sustainability. Read more about Phase 6 >

Phase 7: Blue Revolution

The final phase, the ‘Blue Revolution’, is the culmination of Aqualantica’s journey. Here, the vision of living on water becomes a reality for all coastal cities worldwide. Governments, businesses, and citizens will embrace the Aqualantica mindset and the technological expertise developed. Cities will transition to adjacent coastal areas. This phase marks not only technological advancement but also a mental and cultural shift, teaching humanity worldwide to live in harmony with nature, each other, and the aquatic world. Read more about Phase 7 >

phase 1

The Beginning of Unity

Summary: This preparatory phase of Aqualantica invites everyone around the world to contribute in the form of knowledge, experience, and/or networks. This stage welcomes anyone who can offer valuable insights, knowledge, or connections to this groundbreaking project.

The essence of this phase is a call to experts, scientists, and engineers to unite their knowledge and networks to transform the concept of Aqualantica into an executable plan. Through the establishment of an international Think Tank and the initiation of Roadmap Challenges, we are preparing for the complex issues that come with the realization of Aqualantica.

By pooling our knowledge and efforts, we are building Aqualantica not just as a physical place, but as a manifestation of human collaboration and innovation. This phase of preparation and collective effort ensures that everyone involved contributes to the realization of something grand and visionary.

This unique collaboration marks the construction of Aqualantica as a physical location and as an icon of human cooperation and progress. By joining forces, every participant becomes part of creating Aqualantica. This phase is a living proof of what is possible when humanity collaborates on a shared, sustainable future.

Objective: To globally unite experts, knowledge, and networks to solve the complex issues involved in realizing Aqualantica.

phase 2

Floating Nature

Summary: In phase 2 of the Aqualantica project, the focus is on developing and constructing floating Nature Islands. These satellite islands will exclusively contain natural environments, devoid of human or animal habitation. This unique approach allows us to develop Aqualantica with a pure focus on nature, significantly simplifying the process. These serene floating islands will serve as the foundation for the floating continent in the subsequent phase.

The construction process is led by the Blue Builders, specialists in sustainable building techniques. Their innovative methods set a precedent for future environmentally-friendly developments. Once the basic structure of the islands is established, the Green Guardians, consisting of ecologists and biologists, take over. They are responsible for populating the islands with new flora and fauna and for their monitored maintenance, ensuring each Nature Island evolves into a thriving ecosystem that enhances Aqualantica’s biodiversity and natural beauty.

Together, the Blue Builders and Green Guardians form a dynamic team that transforms the vision of Aqualantica into reality. With each new Nature Island, a step is taken towards a more sustainable world where humanity learns to coexist with nature rather than dominate it.

Objective: To develop and create floating Nature Islands that support and enhance biodiversity.

phase 3

Mother Earth Island

Summary: In the foundational phase of the Aqualantica project, an existing island is chosen and transformed into Mother Earth Island (MEI). This island is strategically located in the neutral waters of the international seas, a choice that underscores the commitment to establishing Aqualantica away from political and religious influences, free from national claims or alliances.

The primary objective of this phase is to scale up the number of floating Nature Islands that are anchored to MEI. The secondary objective is to morph MEI into a beacon of inspiration—a place where individuals relearn how to live in harmony with nature. This phase includes offering unique recreational experiences and educational programs designed to elevate awareness about the importance of respecting our planet. These programs aim to inspire visitors to support the project, whether through financial contributions or by spreading Aqualantica’s message within their networks.

Additionally, MEI is transformed into a veritable paradise, aimed at attracting global attention and showcasing the visual appeal of Aqualantica. This aesthetic allure is paired with the project’s deeper message to enhance the spread of Aqualantica’s ideals through social networks.

At the heart of Aqualantica’s vision is the belief that this dream should be accessible to everyone, irrespective of faith, background, origin, or gender. Aqualantica belongs to no one and yet to everyone, symbolizing a collective human endeavor to embark on a more sustainable future for our succeeding generations. Together, in a spirit of unity and collaboration, we strive to achieve this shared dream—a sustainable, harmonious world where humans, animals, and nature exist in balance and live cooperatively.

Objective: To establish Mother Earth Island as the foundation for scaling up the floating Nature Islands and as a source of inspiration for sustainable living and ecological harmony.

phase 4

First Residents

Summary: This phase marks a crucial moment in our journey towards sustainable innovation and self-sufficiency. The ‘Eco Quest’ is our ambitious mission to develop a lifestyle that is fully in harmony with nature, without negative environmental impact. Completing this challenge is key to establishing a sustainable human society on the Nature Islands of Aqualantica.

Once the Eco Quest is completed, the Green Guardians will become the first residents of the Nature Islands. Their stay is more than just a settlement; it is a living experiment. They will live according to the principles of an autarkic lifestyle, where every aspect of their existence is focused on sustainability and self-sufficiency.

This pioneering way of life will be closely monitored and evaluated by the ‘Island Innovators’. The Island Innovators play a key role in monitoring, developing, and improving this new way of living. Their expertise and innovative approaches are invaluable in refining the living systems and technologies necessary for a sustainable future on Aqualantica.

A notable development in this phase is the creation of a new type of island; the Innovation Island. These Innovation Islands are established next to Mother Earth Island (MEI). These islands serve as the hub for technological and ecological innovation. Here, the Island Innovators will work on developing and testing advanced systems and technologies that are crucial for the success of Aqualantica.

Phase 4 of Aqualantica promises to be an era of groundbreaking developments and crucial breakthroughs, as we work together to realize a sustainable, self-sufficient future.

Objective: To achieve a 100% self-sufficient lifestyle for the first residents through the completion of the ‘Eco Quest’.

phase 5

First Community

Summary: The groundbreaking Aqualantica project marks a significant advancement in our journey towards sustainability. This phase focuses on the development of floating Residential Islands, designed to house the new community. These floating Residential Islands will be constructed on and in proximity to the Nature Islands. Similar to Phase 3, these Residential Islands will function as a living laboratory. The principles of self-sufficiency and ecological balance are put into practice here with a community consisting of a mix of various Aqualanticans; MEI-Motivators, Green Guardians, Blue Builders, and Island Innovators. Together, they aim to develop a society that takes care of itself while simultaneously contributing to the larger ecological system of Aqualantica.

The architecture within Aqualantica is carefully designed with an eye for detail to blend harmoniously into the surrounding natural environment of the floating Nature Islands. This integration fosters a deep connection between the residents and their natural habitat, underscoring Aqualantica’s commitment to sustainability.

The residents, or ‘Aqualanticans’, play an active role in life on Aqualantica. From participating in food production and energy supply to building new islands and structures. These contributions are essential for the maintenance and growth of the community.

The success of this thriving community in Aqualantica will serve as a powerful practical example and source of inspiration for communities and projects worldwide striving for sustainability and harmony with nature. Phase 4 of Aqualantica symbolizes the hope and potential of a sustainable future for us all.

Objective: To build a living autarkic community on the Residential Islands.

phase 6

Mindset Dissemination

Summary: This phase features an innovative participation program that allows people worldwide to apply for a two-year residential experience on Aqualantica to become ‘Eco Explorers’. This program is specifically designed to teach visitors the art of sustainable living and equip them with the knowledge and skills to implement these sustainable principles in their own communities around the world.

During these two years, the Eco Explorers will fully experience Aqualantica, ranging from living and working to learning and relaxing. They will settle on the Residential Islands developed in Phase 4 and will join the other Aqualanticans (Green Guardians, MEI-Motivators, etc.). The visitors learn about advanced sustainable technologies, participate in community management, contribute to environmental protection, and develop skills in self-sufficient living. This experience enables the visitors to gain profound insights and practical knowledge about living in harmony with nature.

After the 2-year period, the Eco Explorers return to their original living environments, armed with a wealth of knowledge and experiences. They become ambassadors and proponents of the Aqualantica philosophy, ready to share and implement the insights and sustainable lifestyles in their own communities. The return of the visitors is intended to serve as a catalyst for a global movement towards more sustainable and conscious lifestyles.

The goal of Phase 5 is to create a ripple effect of positive change. The principles and practices developed in Aqualantica will spread like seeds across the world, contributing to a growing awareness and adoption of sustainable lifestyles. This phase of the project emphasizes Aqualantica’s commitment to promoting a sustainable future for the entire planet.

Objective: To globally disseminate the Aqualantica mindset and lifestyle by temporarily housing people in Aqualantica, after which they take their experiences back to their original communities.

phase 7

Blue Revolution

Summary: The final phase of Aqualantica represents a crucial turning point in addressing climate change and urban development. Many major cities are located in coastal areas, where they increasingly face the challenges of rising sea levels and the need for coastal protection. The feasibility and safety of living on water, proven in the earlier phases of Aqualantica, now offer a revolutionary solution: the gradual relocation of these urban areas to floating residential islands on the water.

The innovations developed in Aqualantica in terms of living, recreation, and the construction of floating islands provide a guideline for global urban centers. Governments can deploy these technologies to move their populations to safe, resilient floating communities along coastlines. This transition creates worldwide ‘copies’ of Aqualantica, where people continue to live near their original cities while being protected from the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels.

The philosophy and lifestyle of Aqualantica, characterized by harmony with nature, are freely available to anyone who wishes to adopt them. The dissemination of Aqualantica’s principles and lifestyle is amplified by the ‘Eco Explorers’, former visitors to the Aqualantica program, who have shared their knowledge and experiences around the world. Their influence has positively changed the global perception of sustainable living and the relationship with our aquatic environment, making the transition to floating communities smoother and more natural. The impact of the Blue Revolution extends beyond physical adaptations. It’s a change in mindset that brings humanity closer to a harmonious coexistence with nature. This all forms the foundation for a future in which we live as one, in harmony and balance, on our beautiful planet.

Objective: To make all Aqualantica expertise available to governments worldwide to relocate urban areas to floating islands.

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